
an old blogger digs over the field once more

reblogged and rereadable – Geneva Phillips short interview on The Rumblr

I am reblogging from my tumblr, Mulberry Road. This interview with incarcerated writer Geneva Phillips was fascinating.

And prior to seeing this, I didn’t know The Rumpus had a tumblr – The Rumblr.

Here’s the excerpt I published:

The Rumpus: When you think about your writing community, how would you describe it? 

Geneva Phillips: I would describe it as a constellation of hopefuls. We write together inside to find our voices and perfect them. We write with the hope of being heard. Though the distance of our confinement makes it challenging, those outside keep us buoyant with ideas, opportunities, feedback, and encouragement. I think it all culminates into a reciprocating microcosm. We hope together, with each other, for each other. We write, we listen, the confinement loses some power. 

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